Showing posts with label Activity Task 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Activity Task 2021. Show all posts

Friday 10 September 2021

Activity Task 7 (2021/SEP)


Class VII

English September 2021

Activity 1

A. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

        In 1869, Bose joined Hare School and six years later he was admitted to St. Xavier's School in Calcutta. He passed the Entrance Examination and joined St. Xavier's College of Calcutta. It was here that he came in contact with Jesuit Father Eugene Lafont who played a significant role in developing his interest in natural science. Later, Bose went to England and secured admission in Christ College, Cambridge, to study Natural Science. In 1884, he received the Natural Science Tripos from the University of Cambridge and a BSc. Degree from the University of London.

1.  (a) Fill in the table with information from the passage:     1 × 3 = 3



                          What happened



              Bose joined Hare School.



 He was admitted to St. Xavier's School in Calcutta.



  He received the Natural Science Tripos from the University of Cambridge and a BSc. Degree from the University of London.

(b) Answer the following questions:          2 × 3 = 6

(i) From which school did J.C. Bose pass Entrance Examination?

Ans : -

(ii) Who influenced Bose to study Natural Science?

Ans : -

(iii) In which college of England did Bose take admission?

Ans : -

Activity 2

2. Do as directed: 1 × 3 = 3

(i) The cheetah is the fastest animal. (Use Positive degree of the adjective)

Ans : -

(ii) Very few queens were as powerful as Elizabeth I. (Use Superlative degree)

Ans : -

(iii) No other girl of our school is so pretty as Tania. (Use Comparative degree)

Ans : -

Activity 3

3. Match column A with column B:         1 × 6 = 6






An artist who makes sculptures



One who has the negative outlook in life



A place where bees are kept



Certain to happen



One who collects stamps



A person who does not believe in the existence of God

Activity 4

4. Suppose your cousin has never been to your village. Write a letter (in about 70 words) to him/her describing your village and inviting him/her to visit your village.         7

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Activity Task 8 (2021/SEP)

Class VIII

English September 2021

Activity 1

A. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

        King Arthur could gift peace and prosperity to England. The greedy barons were unhappy with King Arthur because he was gentle and just. He married the beautiful Lady Guinevere, daughter of the king of Cornwall. On the wedding day, Merlin took him to a richly gilded pavilion, painted crimson and dark blue. The floor was marbled. In the middle of the room was a huge, round, oak table, richly carved, capable of seating fifty people. This was the famous round table around which gathered King Arthur's devoted knights. These knights promised that they would help the helpless, be gentle to the weak and punish the wicked. To keep their vows, the knights undertook countless hazardous adventures. The stories of their goodness and kindness spread throughout the country.

A. Complete the following sentences with information from the given passage:                                                                        1 × 3 = 3

(i) The reign of King Arthur gifted England        

(ii) Lady Guinevere was the daughter of  

(iii) The richly gilded pavilion was painted           

B. Answer the following questions:          2 × 3 = 6

(i) Why were the barons unhappy?

Ans : -

(ii) Give a brief description of the pavilion where Merlin took King Arthur.

Ans : -

(iii) What did the knights promise King Arthur?

Ans : -

Activity 2

C. Change into Indirect speech:    1 × 4 = 4

(i) My father said to me, "May God bless you."

Ans : -

(ii) The police officer said, "Don't go there."

Ans : -

(iii) Ravi said, "The earth revolves round the sun."

Ans : -

(iv) The Headmaster said to me, "Where do you live?"

Ans : -

Activity 3

D. Classify the Principal clause and the Subordinate clause of the following sentences and write them in the table given below:  1 × 5 = 5

(i) As it is raining I will not go out.

Ans : -

(ii) It is certain that a barking dog does not bite.

Ans : -

(iii) This is the place where Rabindranath was born.

Ans : -

(iv) What he says is not true.

Ans : -

(iv) If you meet Jarin, give her this book.

Ans : -

Activity 4

E. Write a paragraph in about 80 words on the life of the famous painter and writer Abanindranath Tagore. You may use the following points:    7

Birth: 7 August,1871 at Jorasanko, Calcutta Parents: Gunendranath Tagore and Saudamini Devi Siblings: Gagenendranath Tagore and Sunayani Devi

Education: Government College of Art and Craft, Sanskrit College, University of Calcutta Famous for: Drawing, painting and writing

Notable work of art: Bharat Mata, The passing of Shah Jehan Important books: Khirer Putul, Raj Kahini, Buro Angla etc.

Death: 5 December 1951

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Model Activity Task

Class IX

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions :

        It had been raining for seven years. Thousands upon thousands of days filled from one end to the other with rain. The days were filled with the gush of water and endless showers. Heavy storms caused tidal waves to come over the islands. A thousand forests crushed under the rain, had grown up a thousand times to be crushed again. This was the way of life forever on planet Venus. Here was located the schoolroom of the children belonging to men and women who came by rockets from Earth. They set up a civilization in this raining world.

Activity 1

A. Answer the following questions :         2 × 3 = 6

(i) How long it had been raining in Venus ?

Ans : -

(ii) What was the way of life in Venus ?

Ans : -

(iii) Who set up a civilization in the "raining world" ?

Ans : -

Activity 2

B. Do as directed :            1 × 4 = 4

(i) Opening the gate, the man came in. (Change into a compound sentence)

Ans : -

(ii) He was very sorry and left the place. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans : -

(iii) Work hard or you may fail (Change into a complex sentence)

Ans : -

(iv) He was so tired that he could not walk. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans : -

Activity 3

C. Your father has to shift to a different district due to his job requirements. Write a letter to the Headmistress / Headmaster of your school seeking a Transfer Certificate.      10

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Model Activity 10 (Sep/2021)


Model Activity Task

Class X

Activity 1

1. Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the given list. Change the form of verbs if necessary. Write the answers in the given space : One extra phrasal verb is given in the list : 2 × 3 = 6

(i) My older brother is in search of a job.

Ans : -

(ii) I cannot tolerate his audacity.

Ans : -
(iii) The Headmistress distributed books among the students.

Ans : -

Activity 2

2. Join the following pairs of sentences :                              1 × 4 = 4

(i) Study attentively. You will not score high marks.

Ans : -

(ii) She saw a butterfly. She tried to catch it.

Ans : -

(iii) She won a prize. I know it.

Ans : -

(iv) He is my brother. He is wearing a blue shirt.

Ans : -

Activity 3

3. Suppose you are the Cultural Secretary of the Students’ Club of your school. Write a notice in about 100 words informing the students about an Online Debate Competition for the students of Classes IX and X of your school.    10
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Sunday 29 August 2021

Activity Task 8 (2021/AUG)

Class VIII

English August 2021

Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

    On 16th January, 1941, Sisir finished his dinner early and drove to Elgin Road around 8.30 p.m. He parked the Wanderer at the back of the house.

    Sisir and Subhas had maintained total secrecy about the plan of escape. None of the family members knew anything except Subhas’s niece Ila and a male cousin, Dwijen. Subhas and Sisir waited until the rest of the Bose family had fallen asleep.

    Subhas had changed into his disguise as Muhammad Ziauddin. He was dressed in a long, brown coat, baggy shalwars and a black fez. He wore gold wire-rimmed spectacles.


A. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Write supporting statements for your answers:

(i) It was around 8.30 p.m. when Dwijen reached their house at Elgin Road. (F)

Supporting statement: Sisir finished his dinner early and drove to Elgin Road around 8.30 p.m.

(ii) Sisir was the only person who knew about the plan of escape. (F)

Supporting statement: None of the family members knew anything except Subhas’s niece Ila and a male cousin, Dwijen.

(iii) Muhammad Ziauddin was Subhas Chandra Bose in disguise. (T)

Supporting statement: Subhas had changed into his disguise as Muhammad Ziauddin.


B. Answer the following questions:

(i) What is the Wanderer?

Ans : - The Wanderer  was the German made car of Sisir in which Subhas made his escape.

(ii)Which persons of the Bose family knew about the great escape of Subhas?

Ans : - In the Bose family Sisir, Ila and Dwijen knew about the great escape of Subhas.

(iii)How did Subhas disguise himself?

Ans : - Subhas disguised himself as Muhammad Ziauddin in a long, brown coat, baggy shalwars and a black fez. He also wore gold wire-rimmed spectacles.


C. Classify the Noun phrase, Adjective phrase and Adverb phrase of the following sentences and fill in the table given below:

(i) Those houses are very expensive. (Noun Phrase)

(ii) I will never do that, never in a million years(Adverb Phrase)

(iii) She is rather fond of singing. (Adjective Phrase)

(iv) The spotted puppy is up for adoption. (Noun Phrase)

(v) It was cold, bleak, biting weather(Adjective Phrase)

(vi) Meet me at the mall later in the evening(Adverb Phrase)


D. Write a letter to your friend (in about 80 words), who stays far away, describing about a festival of West Bengal. You may use the following points:

Hints: time when the festival took place— how long it lasted— number of people participated— description of the festival—your enjoyment                                                                                                                                                   V.P.O. - Gourganjnagar,
                                                                                        P.S. - Mogolpuri,
                                                                                Dist - Tatapur,
                                                                                PIN - 732121.
Dear Tamal,
                    Hope you are well by the grace of the Almighty. It is nice to hear you after a long time.  In the letter you have asked about a festival of West Bengal. Today I will tell you about Eid-al-Fitr.
                  Eid is one of the most popular festivals in West Bengal. Basically it is a festival of the Muslims but in West Bengal people of different religions take part in its celebration. Though the date of this festival is not fixed, it is celebrated in the month of May. Eid-al-Fitr comes after the lapse of the Ramzan month and marks a happy communion after a month of prayer and fasting. It is celebrated throughout the state, but with great grandeur in Kolkata. A very large congregation of Muslims and non-Muslims is held at the Kolkata Maidan.
                 I will definitely inform you next year. Please come to my house and enjoy the festival. No more today. Give my regard to the elders and love to the young ones.
                                                                                                  Yours loving friend,
                                                                                                     Jenia Biswas
Tamal Mondal,
C/O – Tantu Mondal,
Vill – Tetulia,
P.O. – Dharampur,
Dist – Batanagar,
PIN – 674589.
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Activity Task Class IX (2021/ Aug)


Model Activity Task

Class IX

A. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The Asian Games of 2022 in Hangzhou will see the return of the game of Chess after the Olympic Council of Asia decided to reinstate the sport in its games programme. Chess was a part of Asian Games 2006 in Doha and 2010 in Guangzhou. India won two gold medals at Doha, with Koneru Humpy winning the gold medal in women’s rapid individual event as well as the mixed team winning the standard event gold. In 2010, the Indian men won a bronze in the standard team event while D. Harika took the bronze in the women’s individual event.

Viswanathan Anand, five time world champion and India’s first Grandmaster, expressed his happiness over the inclusion of Chess in 2022 Asian games. The All India Chess Federation vice-president D.V. Sundar said it was very good news for the game and the players too and gave India chance to win medals. He also expected a team event and individual events to be part of the games.

Activity 1

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(i) The Asian Games of 2022 will be held in

(a) Doha    b) Chennai       c) Guangzhou  d) Hangzhou

(ii) In the standard team event in 2010, the Indian men won

(a) bronze  b) gold c) no medals    d) silver

(iii) The vice-president of the All Indian Chess Federation is        

(a) D.V. Sundar     b) Koneru Humpy        c) D. Harika    d) Viswanathan Anand

Activity 2

B. Do as directed:

(i) I wish you to be quiet. (Change into a complex sentence)

Ans : - I wish that you would keep quiet.

(ii) Opening the gate, the man came in. (Change into a compound sentence)

Ans : - The man opened the gate and came in.

(iii) I know who said it. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans : - I know the speaker.

Activity 3

Write a paragraph within 100 words on the Importance of Tree Plantation. Use the following points:

[introduction – brings rain – prevents soil erosion – decreases air pollution – adds to beauty of nature – conclusion]

Importance of Tree Plantation

        Trees are the best friends of mankind. We cannot deny the gift of trees. But men are cutting them down insensibly. They supply us fresh oxygen which is essential to live on earth. We depend on them for food, fruits, fuel, wood, timber, medicine, shelter and shade. They protect the wild life. Trees not only bring rain but also prevent soil erosion. The absence of trees creates desert. Recent studies revealed that there are number of trees which help in decreasing air pollution. The trees alone can decrease the amount of global warming. With its leaves and flowers a tree adds beauty to the nature. Without trees the ecological balance cannot be maintained. We cannot think of life without trees. So, we must plant more and more trees and stop deforestation. 
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Friday 13 August 2021

Activity Task 6(2021/August)

Model Activity Task 2021

Class VI

A. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

        Once upon a time there lived a boy, named Tatai. His father, Mr. Chowdhury, worked at the nearby coal-mine. Everyday Tatai used to watch the roadside jewellery shop hardly three yards away from his scratched window pane. It displayed a sparkling diamond necklace in a glass box. One day, a rich old lady stepped out of a cab, bought the beautiful necklace and left the glass box blank. The shopkeeper put some cheap crystal jewellery to fill in the emptiness of the box.


1. Fill in the table with information from the passage:


                     Did what

              (i)  Tatai

  used to watch the jewellery shop

             (ii) The rich old lady

  bought the beautiful necklace

             (iii) The shopkeeper

  filled the box with some cheap        crystal jewellery


2. Answer the following questions:

(a) What was the occupation of Tatai’s father?

Ans: Tatai's father used to work at the nearby coal-mine.

(b) How far was the jewellery shop from his house?

Ans: The jewellery shop was hardly three yards way from his house.


3. Fill in the blanks with verbs in agreement with the subject:

(a) Pepperoni and cheese is great on a pizza.

(b) Neither she nor I am going to school.

(c) The Director and Producer of the film is giving an interview.


4. Suppose you had been to Murshidabad with your parents. Write a paragraph (in about 60 words) about your experience in the historical place. You may use the following hints:
Hints: how you went there— mode of transport—historical sites you visited—description of what you saw—your feelings


    It was a bright sunny morning. I along with my family members started our journey in a rented car. At around 10a.m. we reached the famous Kattra Masjid. We had a tiffin there. After that we visited Nashipur Rajbari, Kathgola Bagan, Pareshnath Mandir, House of Jagat Seth. From there we reached the famous Hazarduari Palace. We had our lunch there. At afternoon we went to the New Motijheel Park. Spending an hour we started our homeward journey in the evening. The journey enriched my mind a lot.
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